Helping Neighbors
- Serving Neighbors for 55 years fsfwefe
- Making your community a better place
- Assisted thousands of neighbors
- Saved lives by supporting Second Alarmers Rescue Squad
- Partnering with local organizations
Funded the purchase of a Stair chair for disabled man
A young father was badly injured at work.
Climbing the stairs in his home became impossible.
We provided a stair chair to make the family’s life easier.
Installed cement steps and walkway for family in need
A young widow with four children needed her front steps repaired. With the help of some local contractors, we paid for the repairs to her steps and made the entrance to her home safe again.
Established years ago, our long-standing scholarship fund assists individuals joining the EMT program. Willow has also purchased life-saving equipment and donated bikes used during crowded events.
Funded new apartment for woman and children in abusive relationship
A victim of domestic abuse needed a safe environment for her child. Employed and able to pay rent, she needed funds for a security deposit. Our gift enabled the family to live independently of the abuser. Able to pay her own rent going forward, our ability to help her was what she needed to move into a safe environment quickly.
Nutrition/Food Support
When a local food pantry’s refrigerator failed we supplied the funds to replace it.
We continue to support the pantry and other food pantries filling their shelves with supplies and pet food.