Join Our Mission of ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors’
Dear members of the Willow Charitable Fund Board,
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to you all for helping my constituent obtain an Electronic Lift for her disabled son. She has been struggling to provide the necessary care for her family and not having the proper assistive medical equipment has made this already challenging situation even harder. My staff had been working with her for several months to try to get her insurance company to pay for the lift, but we were unsuccesssful. Without your generous donation, I fear we would still be at a standstill.
It is both humbling and inspiring to know that folks like you volunteer your time to this worthy cause. Your efforts exemplify the best of our community and I am so proud to have the opportunity to work with you to serve our most vulnerable residents. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
If I can be of service, please do not hesitate to ask. I very much look forward to working with you again in the future.
Many thanks!
PA Sen. Maria Collett
PA Senator - 12th District (2019)
Your wonderful group should feel very good about the fact that there is a person right now in Abington Hospital that owes their life to you! This morning our crew responded to a cardiac arrest with CPR in progress by bystanders. It was on this call that we used one of our EZ-IO Bone Drills that willow Charitable Fund purchased for us. The crew was able to restart the patient’s heart so that could function on it’s own. Words cannot truly express to you how thankful we are for the assistance that have given with the EZ-IO Bone Drills in the bettering our mission.
Second Alarmer's Rescue Squad
Words cannot express the gratefulness for the new steps you have blessed us with. I am so truly thankful 🙏 for your donation. This improvement of the new steps gives us the safety and security of going up and down them we so lacked.
The old stairs with the crumbling, aways had me in fear of them collapsing and me or the children being harmed. Every year they got worse and, the dread I would feel knowing I could not provide safe step for us all was depressing. Thank you for taking that burden from this mom.
I tried so many avenues over the last 5 years but to no avail. With being a widow (February 2016) and a single mom of 4 children and very little support left me with no real options to pay myself.
Trying to find work with littles ones was hard because daycare cost more than I would be making. Our only income was and is social security survivor benefits for the 4 kids Robin, Brayden, Avery, Tommy and myself.
We appreciate these steps more then you will ever know and treasure your hearts and love and support to give them to us.
P.s. I am so happy to share that I have found a job. Tommy is set up with Pre-K this year and the kids now all being in school this September 2024, I am in training to drive a school bus with a company called First Student. I will start driving for them come September for the new school year.
P.s. I officially passed the School bus test and am employed with First Student, just this pass week!
Thank you so very much for your time, consideration, and generosity on behalf of my friend and her 4 children.
Because of your funds, this family now has safe passage to and from their home. She has had endless doors close in her face. You opened an opportunity and let the sun shine through with your generosity. You are true heroes!
With my endless gratitude,
Teri O’Donnell
"Willow Grove Baptist Food Pantry is so thankful for the help that the Willow Charitable Fund has given to us over the past few years. They came to our rescue when the refrigerator in our kitchen died and provided us with the funds to purchase a brand new refrigerator. As a food pantry that helps over 180 families in need each week, it is difficult for us to meet the need in the summer when our donations tend to slow down. The fund recently provided us with $1,000 to help us to continue to meet the need in our area during the summer months. Willow Charitable Fund is making a big difference in our Willow Grove area community."
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Help Us Give Our Community A Brighter Future
Your tax-deductible donation to Willow Charitable Fund directly supports the needs of less fortunate neighbors in our community.
"I got part of myself back and finally felt like a survivor."
When a cancer victim lost all of her teeth and self esteem to a post surgical infection, Willow helped fund the restoration of her teeth.